Resolve Pain GuruMar 19, 20193 minDOES YOUR WORKOUT ROUTINE CREATE PAIN IN YOUR BODY?All movement should make you feel great during, after and days later. You might feel that you have worked hard, but you really should not...
Resolve Pain GuruMar 12, 20193 minSOMATIC THERAPY IS POWERFUL FOR BREATHING RELATED CONDITIONSA client came in wanting to learn how to breathe better because of an advanced stage of emphysema. The client’s main goal was to find a...
Resolve Pain GuruMar 5, 20193 minSMA COULD BE THE REASON YOU ARE CONSTIPATEDDigestive issues are all too common today. The digestive system is paramount to your overall health and wellness. It is the part of your...
Resolve Pain GuruFeb 18, 20192 minSOMAYOGA NIDRA- NERVOUS SYSTEM RECHARGEI have been teaching this luxurious class here in Whitehorse, Yukon on Monday evenings called SomaYoga Nidra. It is a blissful...